
Celebrating the 10th Anniversary of the Journal

Paton B.Ye.
Opening Remarks
Language: Ukrainian
Nauka innov. 2015, 11(1):5-6
Abstract   Full text (PDF)

Yatskiv Ya.S.
Address to Readers of the Journal «Science and Innovation»
Language: Ukrainian
Nauka innov. 2015, 11(1):7-8
Abstract   Full text (PDF)

Zahorodniy A.G.
Scientific and Technical Cooperation Between National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Kyiv City State Administration: Cautious Optimism
Language: Ukrainian
Nauka innov. 2015, 11(1):9-16
Abstract   Full text (PDF)

Novikov N.V.
Transfer of High Technologies is the Basis of Economical Renewal of Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Nauka innov. 2015, 11(1):17-21
Abstract   Full text (PDF)

Nikitin Yu.A., Rukas-Pasichnyuk V.G.
The Development of Innovative Capacity of the Scientific Organization of Ukraine as a Result of Participation in the Project of the Seventh Framework Programme of the European Union
Language: Ukrainian
Nauka innov. 2015, 11(1):22-25
Abstract   Full text (PDF)

Yegorov I.Yu.
Transforming Research Systems in Central and Eastern Europe: Possible Lessons for Ukraine
Language: Ukrainian
Nauka innov. 2015, 11(1):26-33
Abstract   Full text (PDF)

Lysenko V.S., Yehorov S.O., Diatchyk D.I.
International Experience of the Establishing Technology Transfer Centers at the Universities
Language: Ukrainian
Nauka innov. 2015, 11(1):34-39
Abstract   Full text (PDF)

Pikh Z.
Scientific Developments of the Lviv Polytechnic National University
Language: Ukrainian
Nauka innov. 2015, 11(1):40-48
Abstract   Full text (PDF)

Novikov N.V., Lisakovskiy V.V., Zanevskiy O.A., Ivakhnenko S.A.
Innovative Appeal of the Structurally Perfect Diamond Monocrystal Production to their Purposeful Use in the Newest Technologies of the XXI Century
Language: Ukrainian
Nauka innov. 2015, 11(1):49-52
Abstract   Full text (PDF)

Lysenko V.S., Yehorov S.O., Pokshevnitskaya T.V.
Development of Technological Profiles for Transfer of Energy- and Resource Saving Technologies
Language: Ukrainian
Nauka innov. 2015, 11(1):53-58
Abstract   Full text (PDF)

Blume Ya.B., Pirko Ya.V., Burlaka O.M., Borova M.M., Danylenko I.A., Smertenko P.S., Yemets A.I.
«Green» Synthesis of Noble Metal Nanoparticles and CdS Semiconductor Nanocrystals Using Biological Material
Language: Ukrainian
Nauka innov. 2015, 11(1):59-71
Abstract   Full text (PDF)

Chekman I.S.
Pharmacological Properties of Nanometals (Silver, Copper, Iron)
Language: Ukrainian
Nauka innov. 2015, 11(1):72-77
Abstract   Full text (PDF)

Marukha V.І., Sylovanyuk V.P., Serednitskiy Ya.А.
Creation of Polyurethane Injection Materials, Their Pilot-industrial Production, Development and Industrial Introduction of the Technology of Strengthening and Restoring the Operability of Damaged Constructions and Buildings
Language: Ukrainian
Nauka innov. 2015, 11(1):78-85
Abstract   Full text (PDF)

Goncharuk V.V., Baydachny A.N., Kucheruk D.D., Balakina M.N.
Latest Technologies and Equipment to Obtain High Quality Drinking Water
Language: Ukrainian
Nauka innov. 2015, 11(1):86-91
Abstract   Full text (PDF)

Karpov P.A., Bryrsun V.M., Rayevsky A.V., Demchuk O.M., Pydiura N.O., Ozheredov S.P., Samofalova D.A., Spivak S.I., Yemets A.I., Kalchenko V.I., Blume Ya.B.
High-throughput Screening of New Antimitotic Compounds Based on Potential of Virtual Organization CSLabGrid
Language: Ukrainian
Nauka innov. 2015, 11(1):92-100
Abstract   Full text (PDF)


Information section

Our Authors
Nauka innov. 2015, 11(1):101-102

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