
Nauka innov. 2005, 1(6):107-116

V. I. Kashkovsky, V. P. Kuchar
Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry and Petrochemistry, NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv


The Methods of Utilization of High-Toxic Sewers Rubbish Heaps

Section: Scientific and Technical Projects of  Cooperation Programme between National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Kyiv City State Administration
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The work is devoted to solve of the important ecological problem utilization of high-toxic sewerages of the town rubbish heaps of solid domestic wastes. For the utilization of concentrated residue obtained after purification of filtrate concentrate, it was developed the one-stage technology of its transformation into the solid, practically water-insoluble material, which is expected to utilize on the rubbish heap body by covering the layers of domestic wastes. The method of change of the aggregation state of filtrate – product of decomposition of organic component by its transformation into gelations form, some later into solid water-insoluble form. The technological solution of industrial installation of method developed has been proposed.
Key words: domestic rubbish heaps, filtrate, concentrate, utilization, water-insoluble material, technology.

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