Nauka innov. 2005, 1(6):91-101
V. P. Sergeiev
I. M. Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Sciences, NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv
Basalt Fibrous Materials and Composites on Their Base: the Materials of the XXI Century
Section: Scientific and Technical Projects of Cooperation Programme between National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Kyiv City State Administration
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The analysis of mineral-raw-material base of rocks of different regions of the world, as one component raw material for manufacturing of basalt fibrous materials and composites on their basis is carried out. The main block diagrams of methods of formation of fibres, their assortment, products on their basis are presented. Importance of organization of manufacture of basalt fibrous materials and perspective of their use for a solution of economic problems of Ukraine is shown: construction, municipal services, construction of roads, special technical equipment. Properties of basalt continuous fibres in comparison with glass fibres such as "a" and high modulus fibres of type MIND_31А are analysed. Spheres of application of basalt fibres for manufacturing of composites on polymeric and inorganic binding are determined. The unified container from glass-basalt composites for preservation and transportation of ammunition is presented, technical and economic advantages of this container in comparison with standard wooden container are shown. It is determined, that basalt fibrous materials, composites and products on their basis are commercial objects which demand scientific and technical support by carrying out of fundamental and applied investigations with the purpose of optimization of manufacture on parameters price/quality. The thematic direction of scientific and technical development and results of investigations are innovative.
Key words: rocks, basalt fibrous materials, composites, container for preservation and transportation of ammunition, operational characteristics.
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