Nauka innov. 2005, 1(6):60-68
V. Ya. Petrovskiy
I. M. Frantsevich Institute for Problems of Materials Sciences, NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv
Modulus Warm Generators for Dwelling and Working Areas
Section: Scientific and Technical Projects of Cooperation Programme between National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine and Kyiv City State Administration
Language: Russian
Abstract: Modulus warm generator based on new filament and graded ceramic body was developed in I.M. Frantsevich Institute for Materials Science in collaboration with R&D company “Gradient”. New device is based on the “heat pump” principle – increasing the intension of thermal flux due to recurrent IR radiation. Due to low power consumption the high surface temperature is achieved, and due to utilization of ceramic body – high level of radiation constituent of thermal flux. As a result low-cost heating device of high efficiency (92 %) was developed. New heating device efficiently (due to IR radiation – 54–57 %) transmit the warm to objects and people in premises. New heating system is very easy to adapt to warm loss in different, even very small spaces. It is shown that capital investment to the new type of modules warm generators are for 2–8 times lower in comparison with one's of central heating or for 1.3–6 times - in comparison with any other heating devices. The service costs of new devices are comparable with service cost of gas boiler system (for lodgment not more 200 m2). New heating device was tested in different conditions of regions of Ukraine: small enterprise, cottages, service stations, office buildings.
Key words: modules warm generators, ceramic, multi layered, graded, energy sawing, ecological.
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