Nauka innov. 2005, 1(5):123-131
Ye. I. Kryzhanivsky1, M. I. Goncharuk2
1 Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Ivano-Frankivsk
2 NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine, Kyiv
Corrosive-Mechanical Behaviour of Buried Steel Gas Pipelines of Low and Average Pressure
Section: Innovations in Production and Transportation of Natural Gas
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The susceptibility of gas pipeline metal to localized corrosion with the formation of deep pits under the influence of environment and stress has been revealed. In the area of welded junctions there has been determined a considerable intensification of localized corrosion processes with formation of characteristic pits, which are considered to be one of the main reasons of gas pipeline depressurization.
Key words: gas pipeline, corrosion, losses, stress, pit, welded junctions.
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3. Goncharuk M. I., Kryzhanivs'kyj Je. I., Poberezhnyj L. Ja. Korozijno-mehanichna povedinka metalu gazoprovodu. Naukovyj visnyk Nacional'nogo tehnichnogo universytetu nafty i gazu. 2003, 1(5):54–59 [in Ukrainian].