
Nauka innov. 2005, 1(5):117-122

V. Ya. Grudz1, V. M. Susak2
1 Ivano-Frankivsk National Technical University of Oil and Gas, Ivano-Frankivsk
2 NJSC "Naftogaz" of Ukraine, Kyiv


Mathematical Model of Control-Restoration Measures on Linear Part of Main Gas Pipeline

Section: Innovations in Production and Transportation of Natural Gas
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The centralized maintenance of linear part of main gas pipeline is considered. The economical and mathematical model of process, which is functionally depended on a specific expenses on service, is created. Optimization of service process allows to shorten expenses on exploitation.
Key words: main gas pipeline, economical-mathematical model, service gas pipeline.

1. Grudz V. Ja., Tymkiv D. F., Jakovlev E. I. Obsluzhivanie gazotransportnyh sistem. Kyiv: Izd. UMK VO, 1991 [in Ukrainian].