Nauka innov. 2005, 1(5):40-49
I. M. Fyk1, S. J. Rybchych2
1 SE UkrNDIgaz, Kharkiv
2 NJSC Naftogaz of Ukraine, Kyiv
The Scientific Basis of the Increase in Effective Development of Gas-Condensate Fields in Ukraine
Section: Innovations in Production and Transportation of Natural Gas
Language: Ukrainian
Abstract: The scientific and technological basis and the possibilities of some increase in a recovery of gas and condensate in Ukraine from acting gas and gas-condensate fields are considered. Taking into consideration that exploration works in Ukraine only now gain strength and resource preconditions give a hope for discovering of major oil and gas deposits in the future, today it is the task to retrain and even increase in the reached level in a gas recovery on the base of old and depleted fields with hardrecoverable stocks. The investment way for further fields development with increase in a gas recovery on the base of introduction of new scientific-technical and technological solutions is suggested. At the cost of decrease of operating pressures, additional development drillings (including controlled directional wells from artificial dams in the overflow lands of the rivers), gaslift and other technologies in the area of gas recovery are expected at SC "Ukrgasvydobuvannya" from 2003 to 2010 to get extra earnings up to 3.0 bill m3 in comparison to the base one. As this takes place, some over base output of gas and condensate will provide from 2003 to 2010 extra net profits of 809.9 mill grn as extra earnings to the budget of the country during this period will come up to 1237 mill grn at investment expenses of 317 mill grn. The approbation of investment prognosis for a recovery at Shebelinka field showed that in 2004 the base gas recovery came to 1.698 bill m3 as the factual one – 2.451 bill m3.
Key words: gas recovery, condensate recovery, field development, basis recovery, investment prognosis.
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