Nauka innov. 2005, 1(2):75-79
B.V. Grinyov1, A.V. Gektin1, A.V. Demin1, V.R. Lyubynskiy1, S.S. Makeev2
1 Institute for Scintillation Materials NAS of Ukraine, Kharkiv
2 A.P. Romodanov Institute of Neurosurgery, AMS of Ukraine, Kyiv
Specialized Gamma Camera OFECT–3 for Brain Diagnostics
Section: Scientific and Technical Innovative Projects of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
Language: Russian
Abstract: In this article the main results of innovation project concerning development of the brain imaging medical gamma camera "OFECT–3" is described. Under the radio nuclide studies growth 7–14% per year an extra equipment necessity could be satisfied not because of the extensive expansion of the conventional equipment but due to the development of dedicated gamma cameras, like "OFECT–3". This approach both simplify the gamma cameras design and give advanced technique for the human body diagnostics. Thank to the possibility of the cerebral blood flow test SPECT (Single Photon Emission Tomography) is the leading method of research for a vascular diseases of brain. It is efficient for cerebral infarction and cerebral hemorrhage diagnostics, subarachnoid hemorrhage and vascular malformations, nidal epilepsy, at craniocerebral injury, mental disorders (for example, Alzheimer's disease), multi-infarct dementia, schizophrenia, depressions etc.
Key words: nuclear medicine, gamma camera, SPECT, brain diagnostics.