For Authors

Rules for authors
The journal “Science and Innovation” publishes articles and concise reports that contain information on scientific research on scientific research, technical developments, promising business- and innovative projects, know-how in various fields, scientific-technical and thematic materials, as well as announcements of conferences, trade and specialized exhibitions, new scientific publications. Articles in Ukrainian and English are accepted for publication in the journal. The materials published in the journal are subject to mandatory review. More detailed information about the journal is available at Publication of materials is free charge
Journal sections
1. General issues of modern scientific-technical and innovation policy.
2. Scientific bases of innovation activity.
3. Scientific and technical innovation projects of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
4. The world of innovation.
5. Legal protection of intellectual property.
Submitting a manuscript
The manuscript of the article is submitted in paper version to the editorial board, or sent to the mailing address of the editorial board by regular mail. Submitted along with the manuscript are:
  1. An official letter of referral signed by the head of the institution where the work was performed. The articles whose authors do not have a academic degree are accompanied by a review of a Doctor of Sciences on the specialty of publication or an excerpt from the minutes of the meeting of the scientific council on the recommendation of the article for publication.
  2. The manuscript of the article in two copies, signed by all co-authors. If the article is in English, a translation of the article into Ukrainian (technical translation) must be added to the manuscript.
  3. License agreement for the use of the work, signed by all co-authors (the form of the agreement can be obtained at the editorial office of the journal or downloaded via link: Agreement.pdf). The license agreement enters into force upon acceptance for printing of the article. Signing the license agreement by the author(s) means that they are familiar with and agree to the terms of the agreement.
  4. Information about each author – surname, name, patronymic in full, position, place of work, academic title, academic degree, contact information (telephone, e-mail address), ORCID code (required). Authors' information should be submitted in one text file consecutively for each author in Ukrainian and English without using tables or any other formatting.
  5. Data storage device (CD, USB flash drive) with the text of the article, figures, tables, author information in electronic form. The electronic version of the article must be the same as the paper version.
Requirements for the article
The following information is provided at the beginning of the article in Ukrainian and English:
1) initials and surname(s) of the author(s). Particular attention should be paid to the correct spelling of surnames and initials in the English version;
2) the official name of the institution, full postal address, telephone number, e-mail address of the institution;
3) the title of the article;
4) an abstract to the article in 1800-2000 characters. The abstract should reflect the consistent logic of presenting the results, describe the main purpose of the study and summarize the most relevant results. It must distinguish and specify structural parts: in Ukrainian - вступ, проблематика, мета, матеріали й методи, результати, висновки; in English - Introduction, Problem Statement, Purpose, Materials and Methods, Results, Conclusions;
5) no more than 8 keywords.
Total volume of the manuscript: article – up to 20 pages, number of figures – up to 10; short announcement – up to 5 pages, number of figures – up to 5. The text of the manuscript should be structured in the following sections: Introduction, which outlines the problem statement, the relevance of the chosen topic, analysis of recent research and publications, the purpose and objectives of the work; Presentation of the main material of the research and its main results, which shows the obtained scientific facts, methods of obtaining and analysis of the factual material; Conclusions, summarizing the work, scientific novelty and prospects for further research in this area; Work funding, which provides information on the source of work funding, grants and any other financial support for research, which should use only the full names of the scientific institutions and sponsoring organizations; Acknowledgment, which provides general information on any research assistance and article preparation; information about helpful discussions, thanks to colleagues and reviewers (in special cases); notification of provision of materials, data, computer software, devices for temporary use; information on conducting research in collective use centers; assistance in the technical preparation of the text; as well as anything else that is judged to be useful help but not sufficient to be considered a contributor to the work; References list.                                                
Article text. MS Word editor (*.doc) must be used for typing. The text must use 12 font size at one and a half intervals on A4 paper. The title of the article and subsections must be in bold capital letters. It is necessary to provide definitions of quantities or abbreviations that are first used in the text, and then use the appropriate term.
Tables should be designed using the MS Word spreadsheet editor and be given in the text after the first reference to the table with its number and name. Using pseudographic characters in tables is not allowed.
Formulas should be typed in Equation or MathType formula editors. Handwritten formulas in articles are not accepted for print.
Figures should be printed on separate sheets, with an approximate size of no more than 160×200 mm. The text in the figures should use font size 10. Units of measurement in graphs are given with a comma. The figures are numbered in the order of their location in the text, parts of the figures are denoted by letters - a, b, .... On the back of the figure a pencil is used to indicate its number, the “upper” parts of the figures are indicated by an arrow (if necessary). The figure must be submitted digitally in separate files in *.eps or *.tiff formats with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. Figures made using mathematical and statistical software packages must be converted to the above graphic formats. Photos must be submitted in *.tiff format with a resolution of at least 300 dpi. Captions and texts in image files should be italic. If there are significant text parts in the figures (more than 100 characters), they should be submitted individually typed in MS Word editor and placed in the text of the article after the caption to the corresponding figure.
Captions to the figures are given in the manuscripts after the list of references.
The list of references used should be given at the end of the article. References to literary sources (books (monographs, separate chapters, etc.), articles from scientific periodicals, conference materials, patents and copyright certificates, dissertations or their abstracts, online resources) are numbered consecutively, in the order they are cited in the text of the article. References to unpublished and work in progress are inadmissible.
The names of articles, monographs, collections of papers, theses of reports, abstracts of dissertations and preprints should be specified in full. For articles it is obligatory to give the names of all co-authors (if there are one to seven authors; if there are eight or more authors, list the first six authors, put ellipsis (…) and indicate the last author), title of the publication, year, volume, number, start and end pages; for monographs – place of publication (specify full city name), year of publication, total number of pages.
REFERENCES is a list of literature translated into English and designed in accordance with the international APA (American Psychological Association) style for scientific publications. The names of periodicals (journals) are given in accordance with their official Latin spelling at the ISSN registration number. The source must be labeled with the original language (for example: [in Ukrainian]) and DOI (if available), for example:
Examples of references to literary sources
Articles in journals
Kotlyarevskyy, Ya. V., Kniaziev, S. I., Melnikov, A. V. (2015). Development directions of innovative processes in publishing and printing industry. Science and Innovation, 11 (2), 5–19 [in Ukrainian].
Surianinov, M., Shyliaiev, O. (2018). Calculation of plate-beam systems by method of boundary elements. International Journal of Engineering and Technology (UAE), 7(2), 238–241. doi: 10.14419/ijet.v7i2.23.11927.
Tunytsya, Yu. Yu. (2006). Ecological economy and market: Contradictions overcoming. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
Dementiev, V. Ye. (2016). Long waves in the economy: institutional aspect. In Crises and forecasts in the light of the theory of long waves (Eds. L. Ye. Grinin, A. V. Korotayev, R. S. Grinberg). Moscow: Moscow editors’ office of Publishing house Uchitel. P. 124–139. [in Russian].
Materials of conferences
Vovk, М. І., Peleshok, S. R., Galyan, E. B., Ovcharenko, М. А. (2016, February). Method for the motor and sensory speech disorders assessing. Collection of articles of the scientific information center "Knowledge" based on the materials of the XI international correspondence scientific-practical conference: "The development of science in the XXI century", part 3 (15 Feb 2016, Kharkiv). Dnipropetrovsk, 64–70 [in Russian].
Vovk, М. І., Halian, Ye. B., Pidopryhora, О. М. Patent of Ukraine № 111388. A method of treating speech disorders [in Ukrainian].
Copyright certificates
A. s. 1810306 SSSR, MKI5 S 02 F 1/469. Sposob demineralizacii vodnyh rasvorov. V. D. Grebenjuk, N. P. Strizhak, V. V. Goncharuk, A. O. Samsoni-Todorov, A. V. Grechko. No. 4934753; zajavl. 08.05.91; opubl. 23.04.93, Bjul. No. 15.
Dissertations and abstracts of dissertations
Vinichenko, О. М. (2017). System of dynamic control of socio-economic development of an industrial enterprise. (PhD) (Econom.). Dnepr [in Ukrainian].
Regulatory documents
On Higher Education: Law of Ukraine from 05.09.2016. No. 2145-VII. Voice of Ukraine. 2016. September 27 (No. 178-179), pp. 10–22 [in Ukrainian].
Social Welfare Issue: Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine from 28.12.2017. No. 1060. Official Bulletin of Ukraine. 2018. No. 5, pp. 430–443 [in Ukrainian].
DSTU B V.2.7-226:2009 (2010). Building materials. Concretes ultrasonic method of strenght determination. Kyiv [in Ukrainian].
Online resources
Scientific publications and publishing activities of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. URL: (Last accessed: 19.03.2014).
When referring to journal materials, use the following abbreviation of the journal: for Ukrainian version - Nauka. innov., for English version - Sci. innov.
An article submitted without adherence to the editorial requirements will not be accepted.
The responsibility for the accuracy of information, facts and other information, references to regulations, citations and spelling of proper names rests with the authors of a publication.