New Methodological Opportunities of Modern Materials Mechanical Properties Definition by the Automatic Indentation Method

TitleNew Methodological Opportunities of Modern Materials Mechanical Properties Definition by the Automatic Indentation Method
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2010
AuthorsFirstov, SO, Gorban, VF, Pechkovsky, EP
Short TitleNauka innov.
SectionScientific Basis of Innovation Activity
Developed by the authors new methodology of processing and analysis of material automatic indentation results is submitted. Physically proved and experimentally confirmed equation of an indentation, which establishes connection between mechanical properties of materials (including their limiting values) and parameters of automatically written down indentation diagram is a basis of the methodology. Its use allows receiving practically full picture of mechanical properties and structural state of new modern materials with any phase composition in any structural state of samples with very small sizes.
Keywordscontact elastic modulus, equation of indentation, indentation, limiting hardness, map of structural states, non-contact depth of indentor penetration
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